Cloud Migration 101: Separating Myths from Reality

Thinking about making a move to the cloud but don’t know where to begin? Download this guide to separate the common myths about cloud migrations from reality.


Despite 89% of SMBs having at least one cloud tool, there’s still a great deal of hesitation among SMBs to fully commit to cloud migration. With many cloud conversations centered on enterprises—who have a completely different set of needs and resources than SMBs—that hesitation is no surprise. And the information that does exist for SMBs is often misleading at best and downright untrue at worst.

Whether or not you make the jump to the cloud will affect your organization’s entire future; your ability to compete with larger companies, capture modern customers, and remain viable in the digital age hinges on the technology choices you’re making right now. To make the right decisions for your organization, you need facts and you need them to be focused on SMBs.
