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The Value of an AWS Well-Architected Review

Is your cloud environment architected to meet your desired business and technical goals? Consider a formal evaluation of your cloud infrastructure with an AWS Well-Architected Review. Learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices to enhance and modernize your infrastructure.

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The Value of an AWS Well-Architected Review

Is your cloud environment architected to meet your desired business and technical goals? Consider a formal evaluation of your cloud infrastructure with an AWS Well-Architected Review. Learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices...

Why you should consider Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has revolutionized the way that infrastructure is provisioned. In short, IaC is defining your cloud infrastructure (Amazon VPC, subnet, Amazon EC2 instances, security groups, etc.) in a template file or in actual code....

Content Management Systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

A content management system (CMS) is an application allowing users to become authors of their own content. An administrator of a CMS site has the ability to add new pages, text, files, and completely...

Why Innovative Leverages DevOps

Innovative Solutions is a mid-sized company, but many times we encounter communication and coordination problems at an enterprise scale. Internally, we have multiple development teams with each team comprised of multiple team members bringing...

Why Innovative uses a CI/CD pipeline

Here at Innovative Solutions we take the mantra “always be learning” to heart. It’s evident in our approach to changing the way in which we deploy our applications. A well-structured CI/CD pipeline improves many aspects...

Why monitoring and logging are crucial to cloud computing success

Gone are the days that monolithic applications run on a single server on-premise. The current landscape of cloud computing and microservices has made many aspects of computing easier but monitoring and logging is not...
